St. Joseph Automotive & Diesel

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Gas-Saving Tips for Trying Times

Every day seems to bring higher prices at the gas pump. Some commuters are sharing rides, others are taking public transportation. But if you are like countless others, you depend on your personal vehicle. So here are some easy-to-follow gas-saving tips from the experts at the non-profit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) on how to conserve fuel and make sure your car or truck gets optimal miles per gallon.
  • Monitor tires. Under-inflated tires or poorly aligned wheels waste fuel by forcing the engine to work harder.
  • Remove excess weight. Remove unnecessary items from the vehicle. Less weight means better mileage.
  • Consolidate trips and errands. Also, try to travel when traffic is light so you can avoid stop-and-go conditions.
  • Keep your engine "tuned up." Replace filters and fluids as recommended; have engine performance problems (rough idling, poor acceleration, etc.) corrected. Given today's high-tech engines, it's wise to have this type of work done by automobile technicians who are ASE certified in engine performance.
  • Use windows and air conditioning wisely. Keep windows up at highway speeds to reduce air drag. This is true even with the air conditioning on. But turn off the A/C in stop-and-go traffic to save fuel.
  • Avoid excessive idling. Shut off the engine while waiting for friends and family.
  • Observe speed limits. Speeding decreases your miles per gallon.
  • Drive gently. Sudden accelerations guzzle gas. Anticipate traffic patterns ahead and adjust your speed gradually.
The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence works to improve automotive service and repair through the voluntary testing and certification of auto service professionals. ASE-certified technicians wear blue and white insignia and carry credentials listing their exact area(s) of certification. Their employers often display the blue and white ASE sign. Visit for seasonal car care tips and more.
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